
What Students and Families Are Saying

“He absolutely loves you and your energy just makes me smile!” S.P. (parent)

“You truly have gone above and beyond helping (him). You’re just awesome!” W.M. (parent

“I’m not stressed out like I was.” P.L. (student)

“Thank you for all the help. (She) couldn’t have done it without you.” J.M. (parent)

“Every time you leave (my child) feels so much more positive and it really helps her self esteem! I love meeting with you and enjoy the conversations. You really do inspire! Thanks it’s so refreshing!” K.R. (parent)

“I felt like you changed the energy around our college conversation already. . . .You’re perfect to work with her, and she is extremely grateful to have your help. Thank you.” C.L. (parent)

“Thank you so much for getting me through this difficult time of the college admissions process. I really believe that I wouldn’t have gotten into schools as good as (Johns) Hopkins without your help.” J.M. (student)

“Last week I had an interview with (a small, private liberal arts college) and the admission counselor said he loved my essay and said he couldn’t stop reading it!!” P.L. (student)

“My essay is so great and I feel really good about my applications, no matter what happens.” M.M. (student)

“It was such a great experience and made college preparing so easy!! Thank you for all you have done.” C.H. (parent)

“I am so impressed with all your hard work.  You are giving (him) a lot to think about and so much help!  I really can’t thank you enough.” E.L. (parent)

“(Younger sibling of client) said he’s not worried about college anymore and is calling you his secret weapon!” C.S. (parent of private school sophomore)

“My (child) had a very challenging junior year. . . . Sandy has spent countless hours with her, helping her craft essays, prep for interviews, etc. . . . She knows so much about the college process, and what schools are the best fit.  I have been blown away by her generosity and thoughtfulness!” A.H. (parent)

“Sandy . . . has been an amazing person to me . . . Not only did she help me get through a very stressful time, but she made it enjoyable. She could not have been nicer and I really appreciate everything she has done to help me!” M.T. (student)

“I just heard back from UPenn today, and I got in! . . . I could not have done it without you. . . . My personal statement wouldn’t be nearly as well written without your suggestions and I learned a lot about personal writing from you.” J.T. (graduate school applicant)

“In this envelope are copies of all my college acceptance letters. . . . I just wanted to send you all these to show you how much you have helped me over the past few months. Though I’m sure you’ll deny it, I wouldn’t have gotten into half of these schools without your help. You’re absolutely amazing!! Thank you again, for everything.” P.F. (student who was accepted at 12/14 highly selective & elite colleges)