Services & Fees

Personalized College Selections

It’s so important that students find a great “fit.” How stressful it would be studying for first semester final exams while starting the college application process all over again, only as a transfer student. Apply wisely the first time—with my help. After an initial meeting in which I glean as much information about you as possible, I’ll present you with many options as we revise and refine your selections down to a dozen or so excellent institutions.

Application Strategies & Support

How will you brand yourself? I’ll help you answer this crucial question. Together we’ll then develop a strategy and timeline for applying to college, while I help you present yourself accurately and positively. I’ll review your application to ensure that you haven’t omitted important details. It’s astounding how many students are involved in activities or possess special qualities that they don’t realize reflect the kind of initiative and/or uniqueness that make a difference in admission–or they are reluctant to share them.

Stay organized!  I offer tools and attachments with timelines, templates, checklists, worksheets, and more . . . custom-tailored to your college selections to help keep you on track and on time, along with exemplars and tips on essay-writing, interviews, college visits, and more.

Powerful Essays and Short Answers

With many colleges receiving more applications than they have available spots, it’s crucial that your essays and short answers shine. We’ll have several meetings to strategize and brainstorm before you create your initial draft, then I’ll help you edit and polish your essay(s) to your satisfaction.

Please note: While I inspire students and help them brainstorm topics, I do not write essays. It is unethical, as well as detrimental to a student’s application.

Financial Aid Support

I’ll give you the information and tools to understand what a college might cost you., and can guide you from beginning (submitting the FAFSA) to end (reading your financial aid award and perhaps appealing it, if warranted).

Timeline Considerations

Did you ever hear that “the early bird catches the worm!”? I’ll help you understand the importance of application deadlines and more.

Campus Visits

These are crucial. I can explain why.

Mock Interviews

Many students entering college have never held a job outside the home or engaged in a professional interview. Although the interview is often not necessary or even available in some institutions, it can make a vital difference if a student is a borderline candidate, as well as at elite colleges. As someone who has interviewed hundreds of young adults over the years, I’ll brief you before performing mock admissions interviews with written follow-ups and guidance.

Personality Profiling and Career Guidance

I’ll share all kinds of resources to point you in the direction of academic interests and careers that might suit you best. Further, if you aren’t sure about college, or need a break from academics, I have tons of great ideas for Gap Years, not to mention all types of vocational support.


    Thank you for your interest. My hourly rate is $145. Due to the significant amount of unbillable time consumed responding to texts and emails, however, I now almost entirely offer packages.  Thanks for your understanding.

    Please contact me directly to receive my current list of packages and rates. Further, I understand that students and families may have unique requirements, and am open to creating a package that meets your special needs.


    A Word About Fees

    I understand that college is expensive and strive to offer very competitive pricing. I can work within any budget to arm you with information and tools to help you present yourself successfully.

    If you’re a student on public assistance, or you know someone with extenuating fiscal circumstances, I offer a limited number of scholarships. Scholarship decisions follow the criteria outlined in the Common Application Fee Waiver here.


  • Recommendation Letter Guidance
  • Navigating Deferrals, Waitlists, and other Disappointments
  • Special Populations & Circumstances Support
  • Unique Talent Support (Athletics, Fine Arts, Performing Arts)
  • Post-acceptance Guidance
  • Miscellaneous Support for ALL students—U.S. & International
  • Contact Me for Help With Your College Application Process

    I serve northern Delaware and southeastern Pennsylvania in person, and also rely on various technologies—such as email, text, Zoom, and more—to assist clients globally.

    For more information, contact:

    Thornton College Consulting, LLC