Professional College Consulting

Helping College Applicants and their Families
Navigate College Admissions

Consulting Services

In an ideal world, students should have the tools and ability to navigate their post-high school pursuits by themselves.  That said, college admissions are currently cloaked in so much confusion and misinformation that it can often be much easier and far less stressful to reach out to a professional for guidance.

These days, with colleges receiving record numbers of applications from students both in the United States and abroad, each year applicant pools increase while acceptances decrease. No matter where you are in the process, I can help you present your best self to admissions committees to maximize your acceptances. I’d love to discuss if there’s a way my background and skills can help you navigate this stressful time—and even have fun in the process!

Speaking of fun . . . Check out this link about the application process from “The Onion,” a great source of online satire. If you’re still not convinced that all this trouble is worth it, read this for more. And then smile. You’re going to college!

Following is a small sample of the actual colleges to which my clients have been accepted:

United States Naval Academy | Amherst College | Princeton University | Denison University | University of Arizona | University of Richmond |  Boston University |  University of Pennsylvania | Swarthmore College |  Brown University  | University of  Southern California | Clemson University  |  Pomona College |  University of Notre Dame |  Colgate University | University of Southern California | University of Delaware | Wake Forest University | Emory University | Furman College | University of Illinois  | Indiana University | University of San Diego  | Johns Hopkins University | North Carolina State | Penn State University | UCLA | Purdue University | American University | Davidson College | St. Olaf College | University of Tampa | Columbia University | University of Texas  | Villanova University | Boston College | James Madison University | Rollins College | McGill University | University of Toronto | Trinity College Dublin | Trinity University (San Antonio)